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Interview with Satsuki "Artemis is Calling" Tour 2015

Hello, Nice to meet you Satsuki, AfterGlow is a Belgian promo team for Japanese rock artists and we would like to ask you a few questions.

1. You recently opened your own fanclub, How do you feel about that?

I'm very happy. Because this is my first fanclub and I've always wanted to make it from long time. We call the fanclub members “Feathers”.

2. Why should people really join your fanclub?

There are many exclusive things. For example, only fanclub members have access to special contents, news or pictures. Recently I start to paint, they had priority to order my paintings etc.

3. Your new single is called Artemis, how did you come up with the idea to use a Greek theme?

I'm interested in Greek mythology, Artemis is one the goddesses of moon. When I made song of ARTEMIS, I was inspired by it, the concept is based on that.

4.What can we expect from your new single, is there something different with previous releases?

My scream will be more heavy than previous releases.

5. What inspires you when you’re writing lyrics? What sets the mood for you?

Moon always inspire me. I often write my lyrics from my real life experience.

6. What do you want your fans to feel when they are listening to your music?

I want my fans to feel they're not alone.

7. Can you tell us how you came up with your musical concept?

Moon's inspiration.

8. Since when did you start writing music?

Around 17 years old.

9. Are there other artists that are an inspiration to you? Wich one(s)?


10. It’s the second time in a year you will perform in Belgium, even though the fanbase in Belgium is pretty small, what do you think about performing there and about the fans?

When I watched the video my fans made, I knew the fans of Belgium werelonging for me. So I decided to perform there. Of course, I'd like to go to perform and meet my fans all over the world. Even though the place I've not gone yet.

11. In 2013 Moon Stream performed in Paris, and on various places in America. Do you have plans to come back with Moon Stream to Europe in the future?

Please ask Tomo :)

12. What are you looking forward to the most in the next tour?

I'd like to sing my new songs.

13. If you are on the way on tour , it’s sometimes a long way, what do you do to pass the time?

I write some lyrics.

14. Is there any European food you like a lot or do you prefer Japanese food the most?

I love Japanese food, but recently I love also European food :)

15. At last, do you have anything more to say to your fans , a little message?

Thank you for supporting every time. I hope you'll been looking forward to listen my new album which is scheduled for 2016! See you soon☆ Take care!

Thank you very much for your time and answering our questions. See you soon!

AfterGlow staff

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